Matt and I spend a lot of time focusing on data.
Every Monday morning, for example, we bring you hundreds of data points on new start-up deals from around the web...
And if you’re a CrowdabilityIQ subscriber, you know that we crunch thousands of individual data points for each deal.
We conduct this intense analysis because it gives you deep insights into the private markets—and because it provides you with opportunities to make money.
But we also analyze data that you never get to see…
Most Valuable Headlines
For example, take the e-mails we send you each week…
For each email, we analyze how many people open it, and calculate how many people click on each of the links inside.
This helps us understand what topics you and our other readers find most valuable.
So, as we start to wrap up 2015, we’ve been analyzing data from the several million e-mails we’ve sent out over the past twelve months…
And what you’ll find below is a list of the most popular—and the most valuable—articles that we published this year.
If you’re a recent subscriber, this list will give you a quick, easy way to get up to speed on the private stock market…
And if you’re a long-time reader, it will provide you with a fun year-end “refresher.”
We hope you enjoy it!
Top 5 Articles for 2015
Bitcoin Goes Public
“Bitcoin’s had a rough go of it lately. In November 2013, the digital currency traded at nearly $1,000. Today, it trades at about $250 — that’s a 75% plunge. Could two major events in the coming weeks serve as catalysts to propel bitcoin’s price higher?..."
Our Favorite Biotech Trade
“Over the past 12 months, biotech’s been booming: In fact, the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index (NBI) has risen by more than 46%. IPOs have played a big part in that rise... But the real profits weren’t made by those who bought shares at the IPO..."
Federal Asset Paying 7.3% Yield
“Can you guess what the government’s largest asset is? Surprisingly, it’s not land, mortgages, or tax receivables. It’s actually..."
Shocking Secret to Trump's Fortune
“Forbes estimates his net worth to be $4 billion. The man himself says the figure is closer to $10 billion. No matter which source you believe, one thing is clear: Donald Trump has become seriously wealthy. Many assume it’s due to his vast real estate holdings. But as you’ll learn in a moment, that’s not entirely accurate..."
Do Not Invest in These Companies
“Today, I’ll tell you the amazing story of a once-mighty company. Formerly valued at $1 billion, it’s now being sold off for pennies on the dollar. Then I’m going to show you something even more important: How to ensure that you never invest in a business like that...”
Best Regards,