Imagine if you’d invested in New York City real estate 100 years ago…
Or if you’d bought shares in Apple or Amazon the day they went public…
You’d be worth literally tens of millions of dollars today.
Opportunities like this don’t come along often…
But the sad truth is, most individual investors end up missing out on them anyway…
Early access to game-changing opportunities tends to go to well-connected insiders.
Ordinary investors only find out about them after the big money has already been made.
But in the near future, all that could change.
You see, we believe you have a chance right now to cash in on one of the greatest wealth-building opportunities of our generation.
And we’re making it our mission to help guide you every step of the way.
Bitcoin on The Rise
The wealth-building opportunity I’m referring to involves an investment you’ve probably been hearing a lot about lately: bitcoin.
Bitcoin is what’s known as a “crypto-currency.”
Crypto-currencies are similar to currencies like dollars or euros, but with a few key differences:
For one thing, they’re “encrypted.” Meaning, it’s impossible for an outsider like a bank or a government to tell who owns them. That means they can’t take them away from you.
In addition, crypto-currencies only exist digitally…
In other words, you can’t hold them in your hand. Instead, currencies like bitcoin are stored on the Internet as computer code. You can access your holdings from any internet-enabled device like your computer or mobile phone.
Furthermore, unlike dollars or euros, you can’t “buy” them or store them at your local bank.
You buy them online on a crypto-currency exchange like Coinbase.com.
Bitcoin’s Going Mainstream
Bitcoin was invented in 2008. Since then, it’s quickly become extremely popular.
You can use it to purchase goods from retailers like Target. You can even use it to pay your taxes.
Due to the benefits of bitcoin and its surging popularity, its value has skyrocketed.
Over the past 12 months, bitcoin’s value has shot up from roughly $600 to about $2,400.
That’s a 400% increase in just under a year!
But because of some recent developments, we believe bitcoin’s price could soon soar even further...
More Demand, More Profits
Earlier this year, bitcoin was dealt a major blow. Some believed it could mean the end of this crypto-currency.
You see, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss (the Harvard-educated Olympians who successfully sued Mark Zuckerberg over the claim that he stole their idea for Facebook) were planning to launch a bitcoin ETF.
But the SEC rejected their proposal, and many assumed the matter to be closed.
Recently, however, the Bitcoin ETF got a new lease on life:
BATS Exchange — the exchange where the ETF was to be listed — notified the SEC that it intends to appeal its decision. BATS believes it can still get this done.
And if it’s successful, here’s what that could mean for investors like you:
First of all, it would give bitcoin tremendous legitimacy — and that could lead to many new investors stepping in to trade it directly, which in turn could push the price to new highs.
Next, it could bring significant amounts of institutional money into the market.
You see, as of right now, bitcoin has mainly been pushed up by individual investors and private hedge funds. But with an ETF in place, bigger institutions like JP Morgan and Citi could offer it as an option to their clients.
And finally, an ETF would give traders the ability to short bitcoin.
Long-term, we believe the price of bitcoin will rise, but given its volatility, it would be a smart trade to occasionally short it.
Bringing short-side players into the market would create more liquidity around bitcoin, which in turn could help stabilize it.
These would all be tremendous benefits for bitcoin investors.
The History Books
When books are written about this period in American history, they’ll tell the story of bitcoin and other crypto-currencies…
And they’ll talk about the fortunes that early investors made.
If you don’t want to be one of those people who looks back and says, “I wish I’d gotten in on that when I had the chance!” you need to prepare yourself.
One of the best ways to do that is to continue reading the Crowdability newsletter.
Again, our goal is to help guide you in these new markets.
But you can also educate yourself with resources outside of Crowdability. This is a relatively new and complex space, so the more information you have, the better you’ll do.
In fact, venture capitalist Chris Dixon recently published an excellent crypto-currency “reading list.” It’s a list of essential articles and resources.
If you’re serious about making money in this market, this list is required reading.
You can view the entire list here »
Happy investing!
Best Regards,