Earn 11% Monthly Income This Year

By Wayne Mulligan, on Thursday, August 20, 2015

Every day, regular hardworking people are quietly pocketing tens—even hundreds—of thousands of dollars “flipping” houses.

Flipping involves the rapid purchase and sale of a home.

Although the profits can be substantial, the process requires a lot of work.

But as you’ll learn in a moment, there are other people who are profiting from flipping without doing any work at all.

Today, we’ll tell you all about them—

Then we’ll show you how to get in on the action.

The Home Flipping Industry

Home flipping has become a big business, especially after the 2008 market crash.

The way it works is simple:

First, real estate speculators seek out distressed properties—homes that are either in foreclosure, or at risk of falling into foreclosure.

Then they buy the property at a deep discount, and invest money into sprucing it up.

And finally, they flip the home to another buyer.

This all tends to happen within 6 to 12 months, so the profits can be substantial.

In fact, according to a recent article from Bloomberg, the average profit for a flipped home in 2015 was $72,450. That’s up 17% from the year before.

The downside is that those profits are hard earned:

Finding and fixing up a distressed property is an enormous amount of work—as is identifying a qualified buyer and closing the sale.

But now a new website is letting people like you benefit from the home flipping craze—without doing any of the legwork...

Enter: FundThatFlip

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a well-connected investor in New York.

He told me I “had to” meet the founders of an exciting new start-up called FundThatFlip.com.

So last week, I connected with Matt Rodak, FundThatFlip’s founder and CEO, and learned how his company is transforming the house flipping industry.

Essentially, FundThatFlip is an online funding platform.

It helps flippers get access to the upfront capital they need for their investment projects, without going to a bank or other traditional source of funding. (In fact, since these homes are financed for investment purposes rather than long-term living, big banks aren’t too keen to back them.)

Just like the funding platforms we typically write about at Crowdability (the ones that help start-ups get funded), FundThatFlip collects and combines small amounts of capital from individual investors like you in order to fund much larger projects.

And since FundThatFlip is based online and cuts out the middleman, it can pass those cost savings onto borrowers by offering better loan terms.

On average, it charges flippers 10% to 12% on its loans, and it passes the vast majority of that onto investors on its platform—in other words, regular investors like you.

Two New Projects Just Launched

You can get started investing on FundThatFlip today—

Two new projects just went live on the platform, both of which are yielding 11% with a 6-month loan term.

The only requirement to participate is that you must be an “Accredited” investor...

That means you need to earn at least $200,000 per year, or have a net worth of at least $1 million.

To be clear, those requirements come from the Securities & Exchange Commission—but due to a new set of laws known as The JOBS Act, those requirements are about to change.

Very soon, all investors will be able to invest in deals like the ones on FundThatFlip.

You can learn more about FundThat Flip and register for the site here »

Happy investing.

Please note: Crowdability has no relationship with FundThatFlip or with any of the companies or platforms we write about. Crowdability is an independent provider of education, information and research on start-ups and alternative investments.

Best Regards,



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Tags: Flipping homes Fundthatflip Home flip Real estate Real estate-investing

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