Earn 400% Profits in 30 Days (again)

By Wayne Mulligan, on Thursday, August 31, 2017

It’s rare that an investment gives you a shot at quadrupling your money in 30 days…

It’s even more rare when it gives you that shot twice.

But that’s exactly what’s happening right now.

So today, I’m going to show you how to take advantage of this opportunity...

This is your shot at earning 400% profits in the next month.

Follow the Profits

You’ve heard us talk about crypto-currencies before…

Last week, for example, I showed you the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum.

I also showed you why, long-term, we believe Ethereum will deliver greater investment profits than Bitcoin:

Simply put, by using something called Ethereum “Smart Contracts” to automate basic banking transactions like Escrow, or complex transactions like trading stocks, financial institutions could save themselves a fortune. It’s a game-changer.

The thing is, these Smart Contracts need “fuel” to make them work — and the fuel they use is Ethereum.

So the more Smart Contracts there are, the more demand there is for Ethereum. And this demand is helping drive the price of Ethereum higher and higher.

But there’s something fascinating about Ethereum (and the entire crypto-currency market) that most people don’t know…

“Chinese Ethereum”

You see, at the moment, the most active traders in crypto-currencies aren’t from the U.S. — they’re from China.

For example, China is responsible for 80% of all Bitcoin trading.

This explains why a group of Chinese crypto-currency technologists decided to develop an “Ethereum for China.”

These Chinese technologists didn’t want to use Smart Contracts in English…

They wanted to use them in their native language.

So they started developing Smart-Contract systems in Chinese.

And the fuel these systems use is called “Neo.”

400% Profit in 30 Days

Neo hasn’t been around long, but it’s already handed investors tremendous gains:

I started buying this currency earlier this summer, when it was trading at about $9.

I sold out a few weeks ago when it hit $35.

Meaning, in about a month, I earned profits of nearly 400%.

Normally, you’d get just one chance to earn gains like this on a particular investment.

But with Neo, now you have a chance to do it again.

Let me explain…

A New Company Planning to Use Neo

Remember how I mentioned that Smart Contracts can be used to replace basic banking transactions like Escrow, or complex transactions like trading stocks?

Well, a wave of new start-ups in China is creating these Smart Contract systems for Neo.

One of the most exciting of these start-ups is called Red Pulse.

To raise money for its new system, Red Pulse is soon conducting what’s called an “ICO.”

In many ways, an ICO is similar to an IPO, where a company goes public on a stock exchange.

If you know what you’re doing, ICOs can hand you enormous returns. But this is still a new world, and at the moment, ICOs are still very complex.

For investors like you, ICOs are unfamiliar and risky: they involve new terms like “app coins,” and sending special codes to “wallets.”

But there’s also a far simpler way to profit from this ICO:

Buy Neo itself.

Remember, the more Smart Contracts there are, the more demand there is for the underlying fuel — which in this case, is Neo.

Neo is currently trading at about $34…

But after September 10th, I’m estimating that it will jump from 300% to 400%.

If you’re interested, you can buy Neo on crypto-platforms like Bittrex.

If you have any questions, or if you’d like to learn more about how to invest directly in ICOs, please let us know by clicking the comment button below…

We’re here to help!

Happy investing.

Best Regards,



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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Neo

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