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Bono: Rock Star or Rock Star Investor?
A venture fund that U2’s frontman started earned more than a billion dollars from its early investment in Facebook. That’s more money than Bono has made from all his music. Has he still not found what he’s looking for?
An Alternative to Tequila Shots
An eccentric design company has created a bar where you can get drunk just by breathing. It features a small room called "the cloud" that’s filled with vaporized gin and tonic. Cheers!
Start-up Uses WWII Bomb Shelter to Grow Salad
100 feet below the streets of central London is a World War II bomb shelter. And now, a new start-up has transformed it into a hi-tech underground farm to grow salads and herbs. Click here to get your greens.
Cramer & Cook: Calmer Markets Ahead
In the past, when the financial markets were melting down, the Secretary of the Treasury would reassure us by making soothing comments. Today, those comments are made by Apple’s CEO, delivered via email to TV host Jim Cramer, and the whole thing is reported on Twitter. Get soothed here.
Forget 3D Printing - 4D Printing Has Arrived
NASA’s coolest discovery might not be in outer space, but right here on Earth. The space agency has discovered a new material with the ability to self-heal from a bullet wound in just two seconds. Ready, aim, fire.