“Magically” Make Money

By Matthew Milner, on Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Back in college, I played in a rock band.


I’d love to tell you how great we were. But the truth is, everything about us was horrible, starting with our name: “The Drooling Dogs.”


But even worse than our name was our skills. You see, none of us actually knew how to play our instruments.


And it’s too bad:

If only we’d had access to the “magical” instruments I’m about to show you, maybe our gigs could have earned us more than beer money.


The Market for Instruments


In the U.S. today, 12% of adults play an instrument. (The members of The Drooling Dogs are not included in that calculation.)


And those adults spend $7 billion every year on their instruments.


Of the remaining folks who don’t play an instrument, research studies have revealed that 84% of them wish they had learned.


But learning is hard. Experts report that it takes 2,000 hours to learn guitar and basic music theory. (That helps explain why 91% of the people who start taking guitar lessons quit within the first year.)


But a new start-up is taking aim at this problem:


Its goal is to reinvent musical instruments—starting with the guitar—and take a big chunk out of the multi-billion dollar musical instrument and education market.


By using this new guitar, anyone can learn how to play their favorite songs… in less than 5 minutes


Magic Instruments


The start-up I’m referring to is called Magic Instruments.


Its “MI Guitar” is a new type of guitar you can pick up and start playing like a pro, almost instantly.


By reinventing the fretboard of a traditional guitar to include easy-to-use buttons, MI Guitar dramatically simplifies playing.


Here’s what it looks like:


As Matthew Bellamy, the lead guitarist of Muse, the 2016 Grammy Winner for Best Rock Album, said: "For people who don't have the time to learn the guitar, Magic Instruments is the ultimate shortcut - you'll be strumming your favorite songs in minutes. For singers and non-guitar playing musicians, it's also [a] great tool for songwriting."


The company has already generated $415,000 in pre-orders on Indiegogo, and has pre-sold over 1,200 guitars.


But before growing its sales further, it needs to scale its production capabilities.


Which is where you come in…


Open To All Investors


Magic Instrument is currently raising money to expand.


To raise these funds, it’s using WeFunder.com, a high-quality funding platform.


Everyone can invest in this deal, regardless of their income or net worth.


To be clear, this article is not a recommendation that you invest in Magic Instruments. Magic Instruments is a risky, early-stage venture that requires diligence and a proper investment strategy…


And the only time we officially make recommendations is in our premium research service, Private Market Profits.


But if this article piques your interest in the company, it might be worth taking a deeper look:


First of all, it’s a graduate of YCombinator, the start-up “accelerator” whose alumni include billion-dollar homeruns like Airbnb and Dropbox.


Secondly, one of its advisors is Charles Huang, the co-inventor of Guitar Hero—a company he grew to $2 billion in revenue and sold to Activision.


And lastly, the minimum investment is just $100.


To learn more about Magic Instruments on WeFunder, click here »

Please note: Crowdability has no relationship with Magic Instruments or WeFunder, or with any of the companies or platforms we write about. Crowdability is an independent provider of education, information and research on start-ups and alternative investments.

Best Regards,



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