2021 was the year of the “meme stock.”
Companies like GameStop (GME) saw their values skyrocket as thousands of individual traders banded together on various internet forums to push the stock higher.
In just days, shares shot up by more than 1,800%.
But after that brief surge, GameStop’s stock price tumbled back down to earth.
The thing is, not everyone lost money when GameStop’s price crashed. In fact, it’s likely that one group of investors still made a killing on this company.
Today, I’ll show you what their secret is — and I’ll show you how you could use it to earn a fortune in any stock, no matter what direction its price is headed.
Welcome to the Profit Club
To see what I mean, look at this chart for alternative financing company, Lending Club (LC):
As you can see, this stock has dropped like a rock…
Folks who got in at the IPO price are currently down more than 90% on their money.
But here’s the thing…
A different group of investors has made a fortune on Lending Club.
Instead of losing money, they’re sitting on some serious profits.
In fact, they’re sitting on estimated gains of 4,128%... and possibly far more.
It’s All Fun and Games for Some Investors
Coming back to GameStop for a minute…
Even though the stock has crashed since its big run last year, a small group of investors have likely seen enormous returns.
These folks watched GameStop’s stock fall off a cliff. But they didn’t care one bit — because they were still sitting on a massive profit.
So, what’s the “secret” here?
Why did some investors lose 25%, 75%, even 90% of their money…
While a different group of investors — in the same company — booked profits of 4,000% or even more?
Early to the Profit Party
The folks who made a killing even when these stocks crashed had something in common:
They didn’t invest in Lending Club or GameStop in the stock market…
Instead, they invested in these companies before they went public. In other words, they invested in these companies when they were still private startups.
You see, by getting in early — while these companies were still at the ground floor — these investors were able to get their shares at extremely low prices…
Far lower than they ever traded on the stock market.
Meaning, even though these companies experienced dramatic declines in their share prices, declines that forced other investors to suffer crippling losses…
These pre-IPO, private market investors were still sitting on big gains.
And Now You Can Join Them!
Unless you’re well-connected and wealthy, it’s unlikely you had a chance to buy shares in these companies when they were still private.
That’s because, for more than 80 years, it was literally illegal for you to do so.
The only way for folks to get access to potentially life-changing startup profits was either to be an extremely well-connected insider…
Or, to be part of the ultra-wealthy elite — the kind of people who can claim a stake in a venture capital fund.
Again, as Matt and I have been telling you for the past couple of weeks, venture funds are one of the most exclusive and profitable investment vehicles in existence.
However, historically, it’s been almost impossible for everyday investors like you to get access to them — until now…
You see, next Wednesday, Matt and I are going to pull back the curtain on a special project we’ve been working on here at Crowdability…
It’s something we’re calling Crowdability’s “Venture Fund.”
And as you’ll see here, you’ll have a small window of opportunity to become a part of this new project…
And potentially see gains of 1,000% (and even as much as 4,000%) in the coming months and years.
Best Regards,