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Trekkie Gone Wild
Star Trek superfan Steve Doman has spent years turning his Colorado home into a virtual Star Trek universe. “My friends and family think there’s something wrong with me.” Um, they might have a point, Steve.
[Video] Bad News for Bullets
Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed an armor material that literally turns bullets into dust. Check out this video of an armor-piercing bullet literally disintegrating. Bam!
Ancient City of Palmyra Being 3D Printed
The ancient city of Palmyra has been destroyed by ISIS, the terrorist group. Now, thanks to 3D printing, the city and its artifacts are being recreated. Miracles.
Which VR Headset to Buy
If you want to explore new virtual worlds from the comfort of your living room, which Virtual Reality device should you get? Here’s the breakdown of the two hottest “headsets.”
Milner Invests $100 Million To Search for Aliens
Billionaire investor Yuri Milner is on the hunt for aliens. His $100 million will be used to build nanocraft spaceships propelled by light itself. Is anybody out there?