Read this before tomorrow...

By Matthew Milner, on Wednesday, June 15, 2016

You’ve already read about Wayne’s story, and about mine...

So today I want to tell you a little story about someone else.

This guy was in even worse financial shape than I was, but he still managed to transform his life.

He started out with nothing—he was really in a hole. But today, he’s one of the wealthiest investors in the country

And not only will you learn about the journey he took to get there...

But you’ll also discover the three keys to his success.

Meet Paul Graham

Paul Graham

Paul grew up outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the early 1970s.

If you’ve ever been to Pittsburgh, you know it’s not an affluent community—it’s an old steel town, and on cloudy days the smog from the old mills still hangs in the air.

Many folks from Pittsburgh have had to work hard just to scrape by—and to be clear, Paul didn’t start life with any sort of head start.

But to make things worse, as a young adult, he made a couple of really bad financial decisions:

When he was in his 20s, for example, he spent his last cent moving to Florence, Italy to get a fine arts degree. So you can see: this isn’t a guy who had business or money on the brain.

He finally moved back to the States in his mid-30s. And by that point, he was broke, jobless, and unemployable. To make ends meet, he took any temp job he could find.

But Then, Everything Changed...

Determined to get his life back on track, Paul discovered an investing secret—and before too long, he figured out how to use it.

And by successfully leveraging this secret, over and over again, Paul didn’t just turn his life around—he went from being flat broke, to being worth more than $100 million.

Actually, Paul’s story is what inspired me to learn everything I could about this investing secret...

After I understood Paul’s background, I realized if he could do it, I could too. In fact, anyone could do it.

So before I go any further, it’s time I tell you the secret Paul used to turn his life around…

And how Wayne and I used the same secret to turn our lives around.

The Most Powerful Investing Secret I’ve Ever Come Across

You see, instead of investing in stocks, options, or any other “traditional” investment, Paul focused on early-stage private companies—in other words, start-ups.

Normally, investing in private companies would have been off-limits to someone like Paul, but he discovered a loophole that allowed him to invest in these deals—and it changed his life...

I mean, on one of his first private investments, he earned an estimated 573 times his money!

  • Even if you put just $100 into an investment like that, it would turn into more than $50,000…
  • A $1,000 investment would turn into more than half a million…
  • And a $10,000 investment would grow to $5 million

This is the only legitimate investment strategy I’ve come across that can consistently deliver returns this big…

For example, on another investment, Paul turned $17,000 into $6.2 million.

That’s 364 times his money. For every $1,000 he invested, he took out nearly $400,000.

And he made even more than that on a different deal—on that one, Paul made 491 times his money.

By continuing to focus on early-stage private deals, Paul’s bank account just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

And keep in mind: Paul is just one private equity success story. There are many, many others...

And they all have three things in common...

We call them the “Three Keys to Private Market Success.”

Let’s go over each one right now.

Key #1 — Access to high-quality, private investment opportunities

This is one of the biggest reasons that, historically, you haven’t been able to make money in the private markets.

You see, for 83 years it’s been literally illegal for you (and for 98% of the American public) to get access to private investment opportunities.

To invest in these deals, you either needed to be an “accredited investor” (that means annual income of at least $200k, or net worth of at least $1 million), or like Paul, you needed to find a loophole.

But to be clear, that’s all changed.

Thanks to a new set of laws that went into effect on May 16th of this year, now everyone has access to high-quality, private investment opportunities.

It doesn’t matter if you’re worth $1 million or $100, or if you make $200,000 per year or $20,000, now everyone can invest like Paul.

Key #2 — Proven Process for Picking Winning Investments

Wayne and I have been investing and profiting from private deals for several years now...

But we’ve also spent the better part of the past two years flying around the country and meeting with the most successful private market investors in the game today.

Our goal was to learn their secrets—their process—for consistently making money in the private market.

And what we discovered is incredibly powerful...

Not only did we learn the specific indicators they look for... indicators that have been statistically proven to identify top-performing start-ups even when they’re just getting off the ground...

But we also discovered the third key to their investing success...

Key #3 — Build a Portfolio

Simply put, you need to build a portfolio of these investments.

This may sound simple and obvious to you. But the fact is, it’s critical for making big gains in the private markets… and it’s critical for protecting your downside.

Even though a single private deal could return 10x, 20x, even 500x (or more) on your money—like they have for Paul—there’s still a chance your investment won’t work out.

It’s like flipping a coin....

Each time you flip it, there’s a 50/50 chance that it’ll land on heads.

But just because you flip the coin once and it lands on tails, there’s no guarantee it will land on heads the next time. You might flip it 10 times in a row without it landing on heads.

But if you flip it 50 or 100 times, the odds will start to play out. It’ll come up heads about half the time, and tails half the time.

It’s the same thing with early-stage investing:

If you invest in enough of the right kind of companies, you’ll almost guarantee picking a handful of massive winners, just like Paul has.

Tomorrow Night...

That’s why, in tomorrow night’s presentation, not only will we discuss one of the most exciting private market investments we’ve ever seen...

An opportunity that could hand you profits of 990% (or more) in a short period of time...

But we’ll also give you the opportunity to build a portfolio of 24 individual private investments.

In other words, during tomorrow night’s presentation, we’ll be handing you all three keys to succeeding in the private market.

Once again, the event starts promptly at 8pm Eastern.

And for any of you who are planning to watch the NBA Finals game that starts at 9pm, don’t worry:

Our event will last less than an hour!

To join us, simply go to 15 minutes before the start of the event to lock down your seat.

Space is limited and seats will be given away on a first come, first served basis.

If you have any questions before the event—or if you’d like to speak to one of our VIP Member Representatives—simply click here now.

Looking forward to seeing you on tomorrow’s presentation!

Best Regards,



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