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It’s an actual Corvette. The gas pedal works, and so does the steering wheel. But this car is blurring the lines between reality and virtual reality. Hit the brakes!
A New Solution to Getting Cracked in the Head
Just across the street from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in a low-slung building of cinderblock, a start-up called Vicis is working on a societal problem of its own: It’s aiming to reduce concussions in the NFL by 50%. Have these guys got the stuff?
Sweaty Gadgets
Since 2013, Under Armour, the sports clothing company, has spent $700 million to make athletes faster, stronger… better. How is it doing this? With some slick-looking clothes that incorporate awesome technology. Just click it.
David Bowie versus Al Gore
We’ve all heard the one about Al Gore claiming to have invented the Internet. But that’s just fiction. If you’re interested in a real story on this topic, get this: 16 years ago, David Bowie correctly predicted the future of the Internet. Ch-ch-changes.
Sex With Robots Becoming a Reality
Whether you find it horrifying or appealing, the idea of sex with robots has already taken root in popular culture—and according to David Levy, the author of Love and Sex and Robots, it won’t be long before we’re all doing it. Can you imagine?