The Biggest Lie in Start-Ups

By Crowdability, on Friday, May 16, 2014

Editor's Note: You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning at 8am EST.

This Week’s Best Reading

States Give SEC The Bird

The SEC still hasn’t gotten its you-know-what together on the final crowdfunding rules. And the states are getting sick and tired of waiting around. So they’ve decided to create their own regulations. Get the story here.

Getting Paid To Be a “Back Seat” Driver

Did you know that it’s someone’s job to sit in Google’s self-driving cars while the kinks get worked out? This start-up’s gone wild. Read more and check out their video.


Crowdfunding is awesome. It stimulates the economy and creates jobs.  No wonder politicians are clinging to it like leeches. See who they are and what they’re doing about it.

IPOs, Then and Now...

If you believe the recent press, you’d think that pre-IPO companies today are a mess – just like the ones from the ‘99 tech bubble. But what’s the truth? It might surprise you.

The Biggest Lie in Start-Ups

There's a certain story that entrepreneurs feel compelled to tell. They tell it to their friends, their colleagues, and most importantly, to themselves. Discover the Biggest Lie here.

Who’s the Old Guy?

In an unusual move, start-up mentor Y Combinator just accepted into its program a late-stage company that’s already worth $900 million. What’s going on here?

Are Angels Dead?

With all the excitement around crowdfunding, traditional “angel” investors are on their last legs. Or are they? Read more here.

Crowdfunding Continues Its Killing Spree

Geez, what will crowdfunding kill next? The folks at Crowdfund Insider point to four industries in for some serious trouble. Which ones are they?


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Tags: Angel investing Crowdfunding Google Ipos Jobs act Startups Tech stocks Y combinator

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