These nuns are SMOKING...

By Matthew Milner, on Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Have you heard the one about the five nuns?

So there were these five nuns living in California…

They seemed like perfectly ordinary nuns. They did their rituals, their blessings, their vows—everything.

There was just one thing about them that was a bit odd:

Behind their abbey, right in their own backyard, they grew marijuana!

They just loved growing that wacky weed. And eventually they got pretty good at it.

Soon they were selling about $1 million of the stuff every year.

Ready for the punch line?

Here it is:

This is a true story.

I’m not joking. These nuns are getting rich.

And now you can, too.

The Sisters of the Valley

Deep in the Central Valley of California is a small town called Merced.

This is the home of American agriculture, where the U.S. grows most of its almonds, blueberries, and other healthy crops that are kissed by the sun.

And there in Merced, on a small, well-kept plot of land, Sister Kate, Sister Claire, Sister Freya, Sister Kassidy and Sister Evee grow marijuana.

Here they are, taking a smoke break on a sunny afternoon:

nuns smoke weed

But to be clear, they’re not growing marijuana to get people “high”…

They’re growing their crop to help people heal.

You see, these nuns grow specific varieties of marijuana that are high in cannabidiol (a chemical known for its medicinal properties), and low in THC (the ingredient that makes you feel high.)

They create products with this marijuana to help people manage ailments such as migraines, arthritis, and anxiety.

If you walk into their kitchen, you might find them burning bundles of sage, listening to spiritual music, or praying that the medicines they’re creating will actually heal.

But let me tell you something: these nuns aren’t messing around.

They’ve got the foundation for a big business here…

These Nuns Mean Business

Sister Kate discovered the medicinal properties of marijuana back in 2008, when a doctor suggested she use it to treat the symptoms of menopause.

Inspired, she started delivering pot products to the terminally ill. Things grew from there, and in 2014, she decided to start Sisters of the Valley.

In 2015, the Sisters did about $60,000 in sales.

And last year, they brought in about $750,000.

I should also mention that, while these women are certainly doing “good” work, officially speaking, they’re not nuns. Their organization is based on the philosophy of the “Beguines,” groups of women from the Middle Ages who did good deeds for their communities.

But nun or not, Kate discovered an unexpected opportunity.

And now you can, too…

Everyone Is Getting Their Share

What you read today is an example of a major trend that’s taking shape:

Marijuana is going mainstream.

30 U.S. states have already legalized marijuana in some form, turning legal weed into the fastest-growing industry in the country.

Given the growing acceptance of the health benefits of cannabis and the quickly shifting legal winds, Americans are finally embracing pot.

In fact, according to a February 2017 Quinnipiac poll, national support for medical cannabis has now reached 93%.

So here’s the bottom line:

The marijuana industry is shaping up to be absolutely enormous. And investors who get in now can set themselves up for huge rewards.

That’s why People Magazine is writing stories about “Marijuana Millionaires”…

That’s why USA Today is calling this a “gold rush”…

And that’s why right now is the time to start investing in this sector.

Everyone—even five “Sisters” from California—is looking to get their share.

Just the Beginning

At Crowdability, when we identify a new sector that’s about to explode, our mission is to help you identify the best way to play the trend, and the best “horses” to back.

Whether we’re talking about digital currencies, cyber security companies, or anything in between, that’s what we do.

We believe that marijuana is the next big sector. In fact, the legal marijuana business might become the most profitable sector we’ve ever introduced you to.

Now, some of this might sound familiar to you. After all, people have been waiting for the marijuana market to explode for nearly 20 years.

But tomorrow, Wayne’s going to tell you why right now is the right time to bet big on this sector. In fact, he’s going to prove it to you.

Until then…

Happy Investing

Best Regards,



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Tags: Marijuana investing

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