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35-year-old Dmitry Itskov is creating technology that can transfer an individual's personality to a “more advanced, non-biological carrier.” As he revealed in a recent BBC documentary: "Within the next 30 years, I am going to make sure that we can all live forever.” Live and let live.
Kuwait Makes DNA Testing Mandatory
Kuwait just passed a law forcing all its citizens and foreign residents to have their DNA entered onto a national database. Those who refuse risk jail time and a $33,000 fine.Ouch.
Controlling Diabetes with a Skin Patch
Attempting to free people with diabetes from frequent finger-pricks and injections, scientist have come up with an alternative: an electronic skin patch that senses excess glucose in sweat and automatically administers drugs by heating up micro-needles that penetrate the skin. You won’t feel a thing.
CEO of $2 billion Start-up: “We've been lying to people”
Josh James, CEO of Domo, says he's lied to his customers, investors, and even some of its own directors about what the company has been up to. "We've been lying to people, we haven't told anybody what we're doing," he says. See why here.
Turn Your Phone Into a 3D Printer
If you’ve been holding out for a 3D printer that costs under a hundred bucks, then we’ve got good news for you: here it is.