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Real Estate for Sale: Government Spy Station
For just $1 million, you could own a former spy town. It comes with 92 homes, a fire station, and a playground with kiddie pool. Don’t mind the giant satellite dishes… they’re still tracking international criminals.
Adidas Makes Sneakers from Ocean Garbage
As part of its environment-friendly new image, Adidas won’t use plastic bags anymore—and will start making sneakers from garbage. It’s about to release a shoe made from deep-sea fishing nets retrieved from the ocean. Just Fish It.
500-Year-Old Shipwreck Found with Millions in Gold
While draining a lagoon on Namibia’s “Skeleton Coast,” diamond miners discovered a ship that went down 500 years ago. As Fox News recently reported, it was loaded with $13,000,000 worth of gold coins. Ka-Ching.
Fighting Malaria With Mosquito-Repellant TVs
For their next TV, some people want a 3D viewing experience. Others want a 4K display. But LG, the South Korean electronics company, is hoping that buyers in India are looking for a TV that can repel mosquitoes. Don’t touch that dial.
[Video] First Look at America’s New Supergun
The Navy’s new “railgun” fires a hardened projectile at 4,500 MPH. This is a battlefield meteorite with the power to blow holes in enemy ships and obliterate terrorist camps. Bam.