Warning: Hackers Can Now Steal Your Face

By Crowdability, on Friday, September 9, 2016

Stay Safe: Do Not Hail This Taxi!

A tiny start-up based in Cambridge, Massachusetts has launched the first self-driving taxis. “People are a little bit nervous when they get into the car…” said Karl Iagnemma, the start-up’s founder. Nervous? What could possibly go wrong?


Revealed at Last: The Top-Secret KFC Recipe 

KFC describes its fried chicken recipe as “one of the biggest trade secrets in the world.” The handwritten recipe is housed in a 770-pound safe encased in two feet of concrete and guarded by video cameras and motion detectors. So how the heck did the recipe wind up in The Chicago Tribune last week?


Pop Quiz: Are there more people on Earth, or pages on the Internet?

In 1991, a British researcher working in Switzerland opened a little thing called the “World Wide Web” to the public. Fast-forward 25 years, and today, 3.4 billion people are online. OK, but now guess how many webpages there are »


This Hedge Fund Robot Outsmarted Its Human Master

Yoshinori Nomura, a 43-year-old money manager, is setting his software loose in Japan, one of the most turbulent markets in the world. If he succeeds, your next money manager might be a machine »


Warning: Hackers Can Now Steal Your Face

Facial Recognition technology is powerful and efficient. It can even be used to let your computer automatically log you in. Too bad hackers can use it to steal your identity. Don’t lose face »



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Tags: Cyber security Self driving-cars

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