World's First 3D-Printed Car

By Crowdability, on Friday, August 21, 2015

You rely on Crowdability to bring you the best deals. Now, rely on us to share the most up-to-date news, trends and opinion. You won’t find this stuff in the mainstream press. Look for it every Friday morning.

Five Crazy Devices From Intel's Developer Conference

The chipmaker Intel showed off some sweet sci-fi gadgets at its annual developer conference—from a virtual racecar simulator with 3D camera technology, to a magic mirror that lets users see how their clothes would look in different colors. Check ’em all out here.
3D-Printed Hand Creates a Superhero 

Ari Solorio, born without a left hand, found it difficult to ride a bike. She swam in circles because one arm was larger than the other, and as a serious dancer, she had problems balancing herself. But now she has a bionic pink hand—and she feels like a superhero. All hands on deck.

A Robot That… Makes Sandwiches?

From a car battery that never dies, to a 3D matrix that could bring us closer to a cure for cancer, to a sandwich-making robot… Y Combinator, the technology accelerator, just launched some fascinating hardware start-ups. Eat ’em up here.

Colorblind Man Sees his First Sunset (Video)

A colorblind man put on technology-enabled sunglasses at sunset and uploaded the emotional footage to YouTube. Immediately after putting them on, the smile melts off his face. His bewilderment is incredible to watch.

World's First 3D-Printed Car

The first 3D-printed car has arrived. Printed from carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic, it’s awesome to look at—and awesome to drive. It earned a “Breakthrough Award” fromPopular MechanicsSee why here.


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Tags: 3d printing Intel Personal robots

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