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Senator McCain: Silicon Valley or Bust
According to Senator John McCain, America’s Military Technological advantage is eroding—and fast. He’s hoping that Silicon Valley’s progress in such areas as robotics and miniaturization can save the Department of Defense. Get scared here.
Paternity Test
The 11-year-old son of a venture capitalist gives his father a tough negotiation on a new business deal. Is this kid a shark or what?
History is Made Today
Starting today, the U.S. Government is giving you access to a profit opportunity that’s been out of your reach since 1933. Every U.S. citizen is now able to invest in fast-growing pre-IPO companies. Get the details here.
No, Seriously: It’s Different This Time
Yes, technology companies are getting funded at a furious clip nowadays. No, it’s not the same as 1999. Venture firm Andreessen Horowitz looks back at the history of U.S. tech funding and looks for patterns and risks. See their analysis here.
Your Top 10 Money-Making Careers
Could you be replaced at work by a robot or computer? Evidently, lawyers and bankers will soon be replaced by machines with warmer personalities. And doctors will be replaced by algorithms. Which new careers are safe from robots, and which are most profitable?