Steer Clear of This "Hot IPO"

One of the hottest tech start-ups on the planet is preparing to go public.

This company has 140 million users and more than $3 billion in sales.

Everyone’s going to be clamoring for shares once it starts trading on the NYSE…

But not me!

Today I’ll show you why I’m…

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Tags: Direct listing Spotify

Lock Your Door…

Can’t Buy Me Love

Venmo is a payment service that makes life easy. It lets you send even the tiniest amount of money to your friends so bills can be split perfectly and small loans can be repaid. But has it put an end to the phrase, “This one’s on…

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Tags: Facebook Microsoft

Three Simple Steps to Earn 1,000%

Last week, Wayne and I dropped a bombshell on you:

We showed you why every investor today (including you) needs to allocate at least some of their money to the private markets.

This is new territory for most folks…

Which is why, in our article last week, we explained one…

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Tags: Capital efficient Forbes

It’s a Cockapoo!

Too Busy To Brush Your Teeth? 

You know you should brush your teeth. But sometimes you’re just too busy or too tired. Now there’s a technology solution to solve this hardship. Look at these pearly whites! »

Doomed Start-Up Saved By a Rapper

Left for dead by private…

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Tags: Amazon Dna

How to Lose a Fortune… and Still Retire Rich

When you screw up the majority of the time, things don’t generally turn out so well.

For example, think back to your days of taking tests in school:

If you answered two-thirds of the questions wrong, you failed.

It’s the same thing with picking stocks:

In the stock market, if…

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Tags: Diversification Gsvlabs

How to Turn $1,000 into $2 Million

Last week, a start-up called WeWork raised $1 billion.

This young company is now valued at about $21 billion… which means its earliest private investors are sitting on estimated gains of 2,000X their money.

That’s enough to turn $1,000 into $2 million.

Similar stories — early-stage private companies reaching multi-billion…

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Tags: Dow is-dead Wework

The Easiest Way To Hit the Jackpot

Uber for… Garbage?

It’s been said that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Now, a new start-up has figured out how to turn trash into high-tech profits. Filthy, stinkin’ profits »


Audi Removes Buttons from its Cars 

With its new A8 model, Audi has decided to…

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Tags: Google glass Lottery

My No. 1 Trick To Predict the Future

There’s no chance [this device] is going to get any significant market share. — Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s ex-CEO

There is nothing revolutionary or disruptive about this technology. — Padmasree Warrior, Motorola CTO

I don’t think [this device] is something that would… necessitate us changing our thinking. — Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo, Nokia…

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Tags: Apple Diversification