How Much You REALLY Need to Retire

Most workers in the U.S. retire between the ages of 60 and 65.

So what you’ll read next might come as a surprise:

The average 50-year-old has less than $50,000 saved for retirement…

And 45% of Americans have nothing saved at all. Zero!

What’s your situation? Do you have enough?

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Tags: Retirement

How Bestselling Author James Altucher Profits From Trends...

How Bestselling Author James Altucher Profits From Trends…

Former hedge fund manager James Altucher’s new book, “Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth” is essentially all about money: making it, growing it, keeping it, in America today. It’s about building wealth, investing, business, and finance. James tells readers how staying on…

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Tags: Indicators Tesla

Is Bitcoin Gold 2.0?

Last Friday marked a major milestone for bitcoin investors.

Not only did the digital currency reach an all-time high of $1,293 (a 313% increase in just 12 months)...

But for the first time ever, bitcoin became more valuable than one of the most stable and valuable commodities in the world:…

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Tags: Bitcoin Ether Ethereum

Peter Lynch's #1 Rule for Start-up Investing

A few years ago, a middle-aged guy named Jeremy heard about a new start-up.

He didn’t fully understand what the company did, but he thought it had potential—so he made a small investment in it.

Long story short: every $5,000 he invested turned into $1.25 million.

Today, I’ll tell you…

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Tags: Peter lynch Snapchat

[PICS] Fire-Shooting Drones

Human Embryo Editing Gets the OK—But No Superbabies

An advisory board formed by the National Academy of Sciences just gave gene editing the green light—but please, don’t bring your baby in for an upgrade »


Airbnb Is Killing It

We knew that hospitality start-up Airbnb was already profitable.…

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Tags: Airbnb Drones

The Next Harley Davidson?

James Dean had one.

So did Peter Fonda in “Easy Rider.”

And so do all the Hells Angels today

I'm referring, of course, to the coolest thing on two wheels:


But now an innovative start-up is creating a new kind of motorcycle—

And as you’re about to learn,…

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Tags: Indicators Valuation

[Video]: Flying Taxis

This Device Knows When You’re About to Get Sick

Michael Snyder, Chairman of the Genetics Department at Stanford University, thinks you should pay more attention to your smart watch. Why? Because based on his latest research, he believes it can be used to detect the start of the flu, Lyme…

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Tags: Craigslist Wearables

Simple Trick for Earning 10x Returns

Next week, SnapChat is set to IPO.

When it goes public, the popular photo and video sharing start-up is expected to have a market cap of about $18 billion.

At that level, Snap’s private market investors stand to make a fortune.

In fact, even Snap’s investors who got involved late…

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Tags: Investing Snapchat Start up