You won’t believe how much this investor made…

Last week, as part of The Angel Initiative, Wayne wrote about the massive profits investors can earn when they get in early.

But here’s the thing:

Historically, the only folks able to capture these profits were big venture funds.

Recently, however, a series of “Big Bang” events changed…

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Tags: Amazon cloud Aws Dave mcclure First round-capital Founders collective Kleiner perkins Mint com Open source-software Oracle licenses Seed stage-investing Slideshare The angel-initiative Unix servers Wildfire

The Secret to Wealth OUTSIDE The Stock Market

Editor’s Note: It’s “Behind the Scenes” month here at Crowdability. For the rest of March, we’ll bring you deep into a year-long research project we’ve been conducting. Internally, we’ve been calling this project “The Angel Initiative” – and during March, we’ll share the most exciting and profitable ideas that were…

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Tags: Agora Amgen Angel investing Facebook Google Hearst Mark cuban Research project The angel-initiative

Three Top Tech ETFs to Own Long-term

We write a lot at Crowdability about investing in early-stage, private companies.

And rightfully so –

Historically, private start-ups have delivered the highest returns of any asset class.

But you can use Crowdability for public stock market investing, too.

To show you what I mean, today…

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Tags: Big themes Cloud computing Cyber security Etfs First trust-ise-cloud-computing-index-fund Hack Igv Ishares north-american-tech-software-etf Private alpha Pure fuds-cyber-security-etf Skyy Software Tech etfs

The Next Generation of Biotech Profits

When I was 10-years-old, I noticed something disturbing about my neighbor:

He wasn’t old, but his hands trembled terribly, and he walked with small, stiff steps.

“Why does Mr. Ward walk like that?” I remember asking my mother.

She explained that he was sick, but that it wasn’t contagious like…

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Tags: Alzheimers Big data Biotech Global kinetics Huntingtons disease Medical device Parkinsons disease Personal kinetigraph Pkg Restless legs-syndrome Wilsons disease