This NASA-Built Technology Offers 10x Potential

If I had to guess, I’d bet you’re not an astronaut.

But I’d still wager that NASA plays a big role in your life.

You see, since 1976, the U.S. space agency NASA has been responsible for more than 2,000 innovations, many of which you and your family probably use…

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Tags: Nasa Startups Tires

LSD May Be Good for You

This Website Predicts the Future

Experts are always trying to predict the next big thing. Surprisingly, one website has accurately been forecasting the future for twenty years »

Are Pigs the Cure for Blindness?

In a recent study, multiple subjects went from being legally blind to having 20/20 vision.…

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Tags: Google Lsd

Better than Profits?

For close to 200 years, Portugal was a global superpower.

Throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, the Portuguese explored the world, traded globally, and established territories on multiple continents including Asia, Africa, and South America.

Portugal ranked right up there with England, France, and Spain.

But more recently, the country…

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Tags: Silicon valley Startups

Make 99x Your Money… Without Touching Stocks

Do you trust the stock market with your cash?

Long-term, sure I do. But short-term, no way.

The S&P is up double-digits since mid-June…

But now everyone from BlackRock to Morgan Stanley to Jeremy Grantham (who called the 2000 and 2008 crashes) expects the next move to be down, down,…

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Tags: Seedinvest Startups

How to Get Rich from Mouthwash

Eating this Common Food Can Reduce Your Cancer Risk by Sixty Percent

A certain molecule has the astonishing ability to cut your risk of cancer by sixty percent. Wait ‘til you hear what foods contain this life-saving element »

The Robot Searching for Underwater Cities

The ocean is full…

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Tags: Listerine Mcdonalds

The "Pork Sandwich" Investment

I’ve got a favorite new lunch spot right now.

It’s called Cicci Di Carne.

I first learned about it on the TV show, Chef’s Table. That’s where I saw Cicci Di Carne’s founder (Dario Cecchini, an eighth-generation Italian butcher) in action in Panzana, Italy.

Dario recently opened a new spot…

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Tags: Nutrition Startups

Apple Might Owe You Money

You Could Become Half Man, Half Bear

Looking to put on some muscle? Try injecting yourself with “bear serum.” It sounds like the premise for a superhero movie — but it’s real »

Beat the Heat with Technology

It’s hot out there! But these tech gadgets can keep you…

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Tags: Apple Tiktok