Can this Chinese Monkey Cure Cancer?

Facebook Invents Its Own Time

Facebook just created the “flick,” a unit of time that’s exactly 1/705,600,000 of a second. Why did it do it? The reason is a stroke of genius »

New Trick to Get Kids to Study

Getting your kids to study can be a nightmare.…

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Tags: Cancer Facebook

How to Profit from ICOs

A few weeks ago, we surveyed our members...

We wanted to learn where you thought the most exciting investment opportunities were in 2018, and where you needed the most guidance from us.

Well, after combing through all of your responses, the answer became clear:

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)!

Crowdability’s ICO…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Ico

Warning: This TV Show Could Literally Kill You

Mysterious Signals From Space

Scientists recently picked up on a series of mysterious “fast radio bursts” from outer space. Now, according to the Washington Post, astronomers have tracked them to a dwarf galaxy nearly three billion light years away. What exactly is out there? »

Machines 1; Humans 0…

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Tags: Apple Robots

2018 IPO Explosion? Who cares!

After hitting a peak in 2014, IPO activity has been on a steady decline…

But it seems like the drought might finally be over.

From MarketWatch to The Wall Street Journal, the current headlines are all about 2018 being the year of the IPO comeback:

IPO watch: 11 tech companies…

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Tags: Google Ipo

Could this Start-up Cure Alzheimer's?

Alzheimer’s is a terrifying disease.

Not only can it lead to memory loss and dementia, but in the U.S., it’s the sixth-leading cause of death.

But now a new biotech start-up has possibly uncovered a cure.

For those struggling with the disease, this start-up could provide a life-saving solution…


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Tags: Alzheimers Bio tech

"I Had a One-Night Stand With a Robot"

Classified Government Spy Satellite Goes Missing

SpaceX just launched a rocket containing a top secret U.S. spy satellite. The mission appeared to be going to plan — until the billion-dollar satellite disappeared. Read more here »

Uber Makes Switch to Self-Flying Helicopters

If self-driving cars make you nervous, just…

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Tags: Robots Uber

Prediction: 2018's Hottest Investment

If you’re a longtime Crowdability reader, then you know that today’s article is part of a long-running tradition…

At the beginning of each year, Matt and I aim to identify the three sectors that will have the most profit potential over the next 12 months.

Throughout the year, we’ll update…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Ico

The Hottest Market for M&A in 2018?

When I was growing up, my mom would wake up early to brew a big pot of coffee.

She used an old-school, stove-top percolator — one of the big ones that could make about five or six cups of coffee. But here’s the thing:

Because she and my dad were…

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Tags: Coffee Ma

Breakthrough in Fight Against Alzheimer's

Business Insider: “Chocolate Is Going Extinct”

A recent report from a prominent business publication says, “Chocolate is on track to go extinct in 40 years.” You see, a disease is killing Cacao plants, the source of chocolate. But a new technology might save the day. Click here to

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Tags: Alzheimers Amazon