$600 Million in Organic Profits

A few days ago, Kellogg’s — the company behind iconic brands like Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes and Pop-Tarts — gobbled up a tiny start-up for $600 million.

The start-up’s name is RXBAR.

RXBAR makes protein bars with no added sugar, and no dairy, soy, or gluten.

Based on those ingredients,…

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Tags: Food beverage-start-ups Organic food

This 3D Printer Could Save Your Life

New Technology Can Detect Your Lies

The classic polygraph test is about to be put out to pasture. With a new technology called EyeDetect, deception can be determined just by looking at you. Lies! Damn lies! »

DiCaprio Backs “Dirty” Garbage Start-up

Rubicon Global is a billion-dollar garbage start-up…

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Tags: 3d printing Rubicon

New "Crypto-Fund" Delivers 540% Returns

2017 has been a stellar year for Bitcoin investors…

Since January, the world’s best-known crypto-currency is up 340%.

But a different crypto investment is up 540% this year.

The thing is, this other investment wasn’t just more profitable — it was also safer.

Today I’ll tell you everything you need…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Mutual funds

Cash in on this Infinite Royalty Stream

To me, and to most people my age, M&Ms are a chocolate candy…

But if you say the word “M&M” to young music fans, they don’t picture a treat…

They picture a hip-hop artist named Eminem.

Eminem is the best-selling hip-hop artist of all time, and the second best-selling male…

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Tags: Royalty payments Spotify

Will You Accept This $2 Million Job Offer?

A Rooftop Bar… On a Plane?!

A new airline is promising perks like virtual reality, ”surprise destinations,” and curiously, a rooftop bar. There’s just one catch: not everyone is invited. Do you get to fly? »

How To Tell If You’re a Psychopath

A recent study from New York…

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Tags: Boeing Drones

Bitcoin: Guaranteed Profits?

Today I’m going to share with you a very powerful — and profitable — trading strategy.

Under normal circumstances, this isn’t a strategy you can take advantage of often.

In fact, the opportunity to use it tends to occur just a few times a year — and even then, most…

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Tags: Arbitrage Cryptocurrencies

Two New Ways To "Cash-in" on Start-ups

Let’s say you bought some shares of Amazon a year ago…

With the stock up nearly 20%, you decide to take your profits.

So you log into your brokerage account, click “sell” — and in a flash, your shares are sold on the Nasdaq and turned into cash.

That’s how…

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Tags: Secondary markets Startengine

The Secret to Consistently Winning the Lottery

“Can I borrow some sugar… and some DNA?”

We tend to feel a special connection with our best friends. But as scientists recently discovered, interests and memories aren’t the only things we share with them. That’s a strong bond »

[Video] 0 to 60 in Half A Second


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Tags: Dna Elon musk

Is This the End of Bitcoin's Bull Market?

There’s been a ton of news lately about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies…

And a lot of it has been pretty bad.

First, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan, called Bitcoin a “fraud.”

Then Chinese regulators banned Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) from their country…

Then Chinese regulators went even further:

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Tags: Bitcoin Cryptocurrencies

Pot Profits Delivered

Recently, a woman named Koushi Sunder walked into a fascinating new type of store.

At first she was excited…

But her emotions soon turned to disappointment — and then dread.

Here’s how she described it:

I felt like an idiot. I wanted to ask questions… I wanted to see what…

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Tags: Pot start-ups Stemless