Double Your Returns With One Simple Trick

Last week, we showed you several “homerun” private market investments…

Investments that turned out to be highly profitable for early investors.

But like Matt explained yesterday, not every investment you make is going to work out so well. And that’s why it’s so important that you have a system in…

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Tags: Double your-money

Unique System Averages 27% Gains Per Year

Last week, you saw what can happen when you invest in the right start-ups:

With Elio Motors, investors made 330% in 30 days …

With Zenefits, they turned $1,000 into $500,000…

And with Uber, a fortunate few made 60,000% on their money—turning every $1,000 they invested into $6 million.


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Tags: Diversification Title iii

161 "Rags to Riches" Opportunities

Do you like a good “rags to riches” story?

I hope so, because today I’ve got 161 of them for you—and thanks to some recent trends in the world of start-up investing, your story could be next.

Let me explain:

When a start-up is just getting off the ground, it…

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Tags: Unicorns

The JOBS Act [Video]

Back in 2012, in an effort to create jobs, Congress passed an important bill.

Officially, it was called the House of Representatives Bill H.R. 3606.

But nowadays, it’s known as The JOBS Act.

Simply put, the JOBS Act makes it easier for promising…

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Tags: The jobs-act