Hate Your Cable Company? Meet the Upcoming Competition…

Some of America’s “Most Hated” companies could soon be in for a shock.

You see, these companies are at risk of their businesses evaporating overnight — and watching helplessly as billions of dollars in market value goes right down the tubes.

And while that’s certainly bad news for them…


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Tags: Internet Startups

Bloomberg's No. 1 Forecaster Reveals Exactly What To Do Now

Ever see the movie Moneyball starring Brad Pitt?

It’s based on the true story of Billy Beane, the Oakland A’s longtime manager.

Basically, Beane rejected all the conventional wisdom about how to build a winning baseball team. Instead, he tried a new approach using data and statistics — and that’s…

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Tags: Bloomberg Moneyball

Why Are Kids Faking Positive Covid-19 Tests?

Zoom Was Naughty — Now It Might Owe You Money

Zoom’s popularity skyrocketed last year. But as it turns out, the company wasn’t being a good citizen. And now, to make things right, it might need to put some money in your pocket. Get the scoop »

The Startup…

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Tags: Facebook Smart homes

Make 5.9x Your Money… Without Touching Stocks

Here at Crowdability, Matt and I like to keep a low profile.

For the last seven years, we’ve quietly been teaching ordinary investors like you how to make a fortune by investing in startups.

Sure, professional venture capitalists in Silicon Valley might not like that we’re encroaching on their turf.…

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Tags: Stocks Wefunder

3 Strikes — And Stocks Are Out!

When Maximilian Kunkel talks, it pays to listen.

Kunkel is a Chief Investment Officer for UBS, the largest private bank in the world.

Founded in 1862 and based in Switzerland, UBS manages $3.2 trillion for some of the wealthiest families in the world — including about half the world’s billionaires.

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Tags: Max kunkel Stocks

Why Does this Perfume Smell Like Gas?

Take a Look at these Pandemic Tattoos

2020 was a historic year. Perhaps that’s why so many people are getting something special to remember everything that happened. Get the scoop »

This MIT Robot Will Get You Dressed in the Morning

Sometimes, even everyday tasks like getting dressed can…

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Tags: Cancer Mit

LEAKED: Startup Profits Revealed

How much money could you potentially earn by investing in startups?

Well, if you’re a longtime reader here, you’ve seen countless studies on the returns you could have made in the private startup market.

But what about real-world numbers? In other words, actual profits that came from startup investments over…

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Warning: Please Avoid this $35 billion IPO

This Thursday, a new IPO is coming.

Its revenues are surging. It’s riding many of today’s biggest trends. And in an unusual twist, regular investors like you can actually get shares in it.

Clearly you should invest in it, right?


Today, I’ll explain why — then I’ll tell you…

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Your Chance to Say "I QUIT!"

Imagine walking into work tomorrow, looking your boss in the eye, and saying…


Then you could head home, kick up your feet, and start enjoying retirement!

And here’s the best part:

Your bills are paid, and you could care less whether the market is going up or down.

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Tags: Income Retiring