Spin this "Wheel of Fortune" for 1,000% Gains

In 1884, despite serious reservations, a 47-year-old man named Samuel L. Clemens climbed onto a bicycle for the first time.

He soon announced his verdict:

“Get a bicycle,” he urged. “You will not regret it, if you live.”

Clemens was the pen name for Mark Twain, and over the next…

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Tags: Bicycle Geoorbital

Breakthrough: Reverse Diabetes With This One Pill

Crime-Fighting Drone Is Unleashed  

Thanks to this special drone, the crime rate in a Mexican city called Ensenada dropped 10%. Could the U.S. be the next country to harness its powers? Find out here »

Don’t Book Your Vacation Before Reading This

Bloomberg just released its rankings of…

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Tags: Apple Augmented reality

This is How to "Make America Great Again"

Since he first announced his candidacy in 2015, Donald Trump has been promising to “make American great again.”

That’s a worthy mission — but here’s the thing:

Cutting taxes and reducing regulations for big corporations isn’t going to help our country get back on its feet, and neither is slapping…

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Tags: Banks Donald trump

Apple Warns Users: "Don’t Use Your iPhone"

This iPhone Case Is A Weapons Defense System

Phone covers can help protect your device if you drop it. But a new start-up is taking things a step further: it’s created a case with sonar technology — and it could save your life »

This State Will Pay You…

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Tags: Apple Phone case

How to Receive Free Crypto — Every Week!

Imagine going to sleep at night — and waking up the next morning to find free crypto coins sitting in your account.

Your new coins are worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you can do anything you want with them.

You pinch yourself to see if…

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Tags: Airdrop Cryptocurrencies

Quit the Stock Market and Make 140x Your Money

In a 2011 Huffington Post article, the author explained why the “best and brightest” college graduates were heading to Wall Street:

“It’s basic human nature,” she wrote. “Follow the money.”

Makes sense. After all, according to Investopedia, in 2016, the average Goldman Sachs employee took home $367,564.

But in the…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Stock market

Warning: Tech Start-ups are Vanishing!

Goldman Sachs just published a report that has private market investors terrified.

Once you see what it discovered, you’ll probably get scared too...

In fact, you might even be tempted to pull your money out of tech stocks and unsubscribe from the Crowdability newsletter.

But as we’ll explain today, that…

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Tags: Ico Unicorns

One in Five of These Investments is a SCAM!

Although most cryptos have experienced a pullback over the past few weeks, one corner of the crypto market continues to shine: ICOs.

ICOs, short for Initial Coin Offerings, continue to be one of the most profitable ways to invest in crypto-currencies.

For instance, while Bitcoin is down by about 50%…

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Tags: Ico Initial coin-offering