This 8-Year-Old Made $26 Million Last Year

Is 5G Bad for Your Health?

The buzz around 5G continues to grow. But could this super-fast wireless technology actually do more harm than good? Learn more here »

Build Your Own “Batcave”

Futuristic garages have historically been reserved for superheroes like Batman or Iron Man. But now some…

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Tags: 5g Artificial intelligence

2020: Your Portfolio on Steroids

During the first half of the 20th century, the sport of powerlifting was dominated by U.S athletes.

But at the 1954 powerlifting championships, a new force emerged: the Russians.

Which left everyone wondering:

How were they able to improve their performance so quickly, and so dramatically?

Well, as it turns…

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Tags: 2020 Magic portfolio

95% of Takeover Deals Have This in Common

As I explained last week, we’re currently in the midst of a rare trend.

A wave of consolidation is taking place where big companies are buying smaller ones — i.e., “Mergers & Acquisitions.”

Every time this has happened in the past, investors made a fortune.

But this time around, you…

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Tags: Ma Resources

Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Caught Using LSD

Travel to Outer Space… Permanently

To protect humanity in case Earth becomes uninhabitable, a team of scientists is putting together a trip to outer space. The thing is, the trip will last 1,000 years. Interested? »

See Ya Later, 2010s

We’re getting ready to say goodbye to another decade.…

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Tags: Google Outer space

Crypto Breakthrough — Unlimited Profits!

Most investors have been struggling to make money in the crypto markets recently.

But not us.

You see, after a far-reaching investigation — one that took us around the world and lasted months — we discovered an extraordinary strategy for investing in crypto-currencies.

And by using this strategy, we’ve been…

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Tags: Cryptocurrencies Shadow market

Would You Trade Your Privacy for $1,830 a Month?

High School Kid Turns His Bedroom into a Business

More and more teenagers are running their own online businesses. Perhaps surprisingly, it’s not money these young entrepreneurs are after. Learn more »

Your Chance to Move to Paradise — Just One Catch

The brochure for the newly-constructed “Culdesac” neighborhood…

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Tags: Department of-defense Fbi

Get Drunk (and Rich) on $12 Wine

I recently found myself wandering the aisles of a wine store.

My wife had given me instructions (“Pick up some red wine for dinner with my dad”), but no details.

So I considered a Pinot Noir, a Malbec, and a Merlot.

I examined some fancy labels in the French, Italian,…

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Tags: Alcohol Food beverage