Caution — This Video Game Might Be Run by the CIA

Hold On! This Balloon Can Take You to Space

The views from a hot-air balloon ride can be breathtaking. But the view from this one is truly out of this world »

“Is This Even a Real Person?!”

Most consumers hate the idea of companies using AI for customer…

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The #1 Most Profitable Investment — Ever

What was the #1 most profitable investment of all time?

Was it Warren Buffett’s investment in Coca-Cola in 1987?

Was it picking up shares of Amazon or Netscape in the 90s?

Or was it something more unexpected?

I recently came across a list of the world’s most profitable, documented investments.

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These Vending Machines Sell Bullets

China Has Spies All Over America

For years, China has been collecting vital information about America’s infrastructure. And it’s been doing it right in front of our eyes — well, technically our bumpers »

What Happens if You Shoot Down a Delivery Drone?

Delivery drones are everywhere these days.…

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How To Avoid “Market Whiplash”

Being an investor can give you whiplash.

Just yesterday, it seemed like you had a perfect investment plan. But today, a talking head on CNBC is preaching about how wrong your strategy is.

So, should you stick with your Magnificent Seven stocks, your QQQ, your 60/40 portfolio, or whichever plan…

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This App Can Turn You Into a Spy

The Robots Are Coming To Bag Your Groceries

From self-checkout to autonomous delivery services, technology is constantly changing the way we shop for groceries. Now it’s time for the next chapter »

This EV Charges in Just 5 Minutes

Slow charging times make many consumers think twice before buying…

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Own a Piece of the NFL

Chances are, you’re never going to be a pro football player.

But now you can get paid like one — no helmet or jersey required.

You see, a certain NFL player has decided to share his future earnings with investors like you. And based on his success on the field,…

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Tags: Denver broncos Nfl

Turning Point: Scientists Discover Obesity Gene

Walter Cronkite Predicted the Future

In 1967, beloved news anchor Walter Cronkite was asked to predict what the year 2000 would look like. Here’s what he got right — and what he got very wrong »

First Cigarettes, Now Social Media

Social media can be addicting, just like cigarettes.…

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Forget Stocks — Invest in Legos for $500,000 in Profits

A couple of years ago, 35-year-old Shane O’Farrell realized something:

Investing in stocks for the long-term wasn’t going to work for him. The returns were too low. As he said, stocks won’t “get me where I want to go. It would take decades.”

So he tried something else: investing in…

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Tags: Lego

This Laptop Has No Screen

Man Blames His Divorce on Apple

When a man in England got caught cheating on his wife, he took drastic measures. He sued a multi-trillion-dollar company. Here’s why »

Disney May Owe You Money

A recent settlement means Disney owes 100,000 customers money. Are…

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